In late 2023, we were contacted by Louise Ryan from G&C Mutual Bank and the Mutual Banking Employers' Association (MBEA) asking if we would accept the records of the MBEA as it had recently been deactivated through a Supreme Court ruling.

The MBEA? Who were they and when did it all begin? It began in 1974 as the NSW Credit Union Employers' Association in the days when credit unions were registered and regulated under state legislation.

 According to the MBEA’s President’s Report of 2022 it was “established in 1974 with over 80 members with the initial purpose of the Association to assist in developing a uniform scale of salaries throughout the credit union sector. Over the years the Association has continued to support the interests of employers, providing specific focus on employment related issues.

“The Association has also provided a network for Employers within our sector to engage, support and collaborate with others who may be experiencing similar employee relations and industrial relations concerns as well as acting as a conduit to specialised workplace resources …

“Over the course of many years a considerable amount of assistance has been provided on industrial relations issues and advice to the Banking Finance & Insurance Award, pandemic response, payroll, termination, Work Health and Safety, discrimination, Workers Compensation, Enterprise Agreements and a multitude of workplace and legal issues”.

With the federation of the credit union movement and the consolidation of the various strands of mutual banking – the NSW Credit Union Employers' Association became the Australian Credit Union Employers’ Association in 2011 and the MBEA in 2015.

Why did it all end? In a Special General Meeting of MBEA members held on March 8 2023, the following background information was provided to attendees – MBEA’s affiliate peak body the Australian Federation of Employers and Industries (AFEI) “are no longer prepared to provide MBEA with Secretarial support or a discounted Association subscription which gave our members access to the “AFEI Advice Hotline” service, industrial relations briefings, assistance with workplace regulation obligations and AFEI Legal services at a discounted rate.

“As an Association we have been challenged to remain relevant, impacted by the consolidation of our industry. Our membership base currently stands at 19 members. Analysis of statistics reflects as of November 2022 there were only a handful of members actively using the available services … “

The Special General Meeting of March 2023 voted to dissolve the MBEA, and the remaining surplus assets were donated to the Australian Mutuals Foundation (AMF).

Prior to the recent donation we held some early NSW Credit Union Employers' Association records, but we now hold the full run of their minute books, some annual reports, correspondence including industrial dispute discussions, rules and constitutions and accounts. The full collection could be an invaluable resource not just to those studying mutuals but also industrial relations from various perspectives.

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