Recently retired Beyond Bank CEO Robert Keogh gave us some time out of his busy schedule in the final weeks of his career.

Robert joined Beyond Bank in 1979 when it was known as CPS Credit Union (for Commonwealth Public Service) and became CEO in 2010. He has of course been part of many changes in mutuals over the years and his fascinating interview will surely be of interest to researchers in years to come.

Below is a segment of our interview with Robert where he is talking about the values of Beyond Bank:


We have five values. First of all, we put the customer/member first. That's the first value. The second value is community. We're part of the community and the community is part of us. The third value is integrity. Fourth value is mutuality. Everything we do is on the basis that everyone in our business is equal to everyone and there's no hierarchy around that. So, we apply those mutual principles, right to the letter of the law that drives our business, and the final value is sustainability. So that's about financial sustainability, but it's also about sustainability in a broader sense. So, invest in your people, invest in communities, invest in the environment.

*Above photo from Australian Credit Unions Magazine, 1996

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